The 'Long Canoe / Kayak Trip' is from Croton Dam Boat Launch to Newaygo OR Pine Avenue Access to Newaygo and takes approximately 4 to 4.5 hours by canoe or kayak. Fishing Boats take approximately 7 hours of floating time (add anchor time).

On Saturday and Sunday in July and August, this trip is only available from 9AM to 11AM on the half hour departures. Weekdays and other months, available departures are 9 - 12 on the hour. We can do other times by appointment - please ask!

Sorry for any inconvenience, but we have new policies which are due to changes from the City of Newaygo Park lease. We are not allowed to use the launch after 8pm.THUS, we NEED you in by 7PM at the very latest!!!! We need you back and cleaned off by then or we get charged by the city. Thank you for your understanding.

Note: Saturdays and Sundays Memorial Day to Labor Day, we will start your 'Long Trip' at Pine Avenue Boat Launch.

This trip is located on the Muskegon River.